ESG Ratings
As of October 2024, Sustainalytics assessed EUROFIMA’s ESG risk with a score of 4.6 (negligible risk). As a top performer among 16’000 companies worldwide, EUROFIMA was awarded with 3 badges: ESG Global 50 top rated, ESG industry top rated and ESG regional top rated.
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In April 2024, MSCI ESG awarded EUROFIMA with its best rating ‘AAA’.
MSCI ESG Research provides in-depth research, ratings and analysis of the environmental, social and governance-related business practices of thousands of companies worldwide. Their research is designed to provide critical insights that can help institutional investors identify risks and opportunities that traditional investment research may overlook. The MSCI ESG Ratings are also used in the construction of the MSCI ESG Indexes, produced by MSCI, Inc.
As of November 2021, ISS ESG assigned B- rating to EUROFIMA. Being among the top 10% in the sector Specialized finance, EUROIMA was eligible for the ‘prime’ badge (i.e., best in class category). Further information can be found here.
The ISS ESG Corporate Rating represents a comprehensive, annual review which assesses the implementation and execution of environmental, social and governance policies and practices among companies. ISS ESG attributes ‘Prime’ status to companies with an overall ESG performance above the sector-specific Prime threshold, which means that they are among best performers in the assigned industry.
EUROFIMA’s has achieved a B- ESG impact grade by the Swiss sustainability rating agency – Inrate. According to the Inrate’s latest report as of August 2024, the grade B- (which is higher than the industry average) concludes EUROFIMA to be on the path of sustainability and affirms EUROFIMA’s membership to the Swiss Bond ESG Index (SBI ESG), defined by the SIX’s Group in collaboration with Inrate.
Inrate is an independent Swiss sustainability rating agency and the leading provider of ESG Data for Swiss issuers and sustainability data. Inrate’s ESG Impact Ratings consolidate the footprints of economic activities according to their significance with regards to the achievement of sustaina ble development goals. It is an economic measure as it takes into account the economic size of the footprints and the Ratings are ranking all issuers in an asset class and the asset classes among themselves.
Luxembourg Green Exchange: Since 2020, EUROFIMA is assessed as Climate Aligned Issuer with a 100% alignment as per the Climate Bond Initiative methodology.
EUROFIMA achieved the DZ Bank Seal of Quality for Sustainability in September 2022.
The combination of the four levels is used to generate an "EESG score" in the form of a value between 0 and 100 points integrating the three classic ESG dimensions (Environmental, Social and Governance) and an economic dimension. Sustainability can be defined as long-term, responsible, beneficial and resource-conserving action.