railway bodies
since 1956
We finance rolling stock with a non-profit mission to support development of public passenger rail transportation across Europe...
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A path for a clean future
The goal of promoting sustainability is at the core of EUROFIMA’s public mission. Supporting the growth and development of passenger rail transport is key to addressing the problem of CO2 emissions attributable to the transportation sector.
Solutions tailored to your needs
We push new frontiers to provide financial solutions that meet the evolving demands of public passenger railway in Europe.
EUROFIMA provides new financing of EUR 24 million to HZPP
EUROFIMA is pleased to announce having concluded a new long-term, multi-years financing in the amount of Euro 24 million and a tenor of 15 years with the Croatian railways Hrvatske željeznice (HŽPP).
EUROFIMA provides new financing of EUR 280 million to Renfe
EUROFIMA is pleased to announce the disbursement of EUR 280 million (10 years) to its Spanish shareholder RENFE on Decembre 23rd 2024; the loan is going to be used to refinance 152 EMUs Class 447, originally financed in 2020, and to finance additional 30 EMU of the same class.
Impact Report
We believe in putting sustainable principles into practice in every aspect of our business. Discover our Impact Report by clicking on the link below.
Impact Report 2024ABOUT US
Our values
We engage in dialogue &
make informed decisions
We stay open-minded
when change comes
We are committed to providing
long-lasting and impactful, positive change to the environment and society
We leverage suitable, ethical
tools to achieve excellent results
We are hiring
EUROFIMA currently employs 28 highly educated, qualified and motivated professionals who actively contribute to the organisation’s success. Our staff are one of our most important assets and it is our goal to provide a sustainable, diverse and rewarding working environment that fosters competence, commitment and cooperation and where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.
Average age
Average length of service
Employee annual turnover rate