EUROFIMA European Company
for the Financing of Railroad Rolling Stock
Meret Oppenheim Platz 1C
4053 Basel
General contact
Tel.: +41 61 287 3340
Fax: +41 61 287 3240
Get in touch
EUROFIMA European Company for the Financing of Railroad Rolling Stock is a supranational organization located in Basel, Switzerland. It was established in 1956 based on an international treaty signed by 25 European sovereign States so far.
Who are EUROFIMA's Member States?
- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Luxembourg
- Portugal
- Austria
- Greece
- Sweden
- Serbia
- Czech Republic
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Bulgaria
- North Macedonia
- Montenegro
- Turkey
- Denmark
- Norway
Who are EUROFIMA's shareholders?
Deutsche Bahn AG
SNCF Mobilités
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.
NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen
RENFE Operadora
Swiss Federal Railways
Luxembourg National Railways
CP-Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E.
ÖBB-Holding AG
Hellenic Railways
Näringsdepartementet, Sweden
Akcionarsko društvo Železnice Srbije
České dráhy, a.s.
HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o.
Hungarian State Railways Ltd.
Javno preduzeće Željeznice Federacije
Bosna i Hercegovina d.o.o.
Železničná spoločnost’ Slovensko, a.s.
Slovenske železnice d.o.o.
Holding BalgarskiDarzhavni Zheleznitsi EAD
Javno pretprijatie Makedonski Železnici-Infrastruktura
Željeznički Prevoz Crne Gore AD
TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş.
Železnici na Republika Severna Makedonija Transport AD - Skopje
Danish State Railways
Norwegian State Railways -
Who does Eurofima finance?
Eurofima finances rolling stock for public passenger transport services and infrastructure vehicles. For Eurofima rolling stock means coaches, locomotives and multiple units. Eurofima supports its shareholder railways as well as other railway bodies in renewing and modernizing their equipment.
Is EUROFIMA a bank?
Eurofima is not a bank. It is a supranational organization that fulfils a non-profit maximizing mission to support the development of rail transportation in Europe.
I would like to have more information about EUROFIMA, who can I contact?
E-mail: front-office@eurofima.org
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EUROFIMA’s website can be viewed with any standard browser, such as Internet Explorer (version 7.0 or higher), Chrome or Firefox. Using older browser versions can lead to graphic anomalies. The latest versions of browsers can be downloaded from the related internet websites. Please note that you need to have javascript activated in order to use our website.