EUROFIMA provides new financing of EUR 2 million to ZPCG
€ 2,000,000
EUROFIMA is pleased to announce the disbursement of new financing in the amount of EUR 2 million (7-years) with its Montenegrin shareholder Željezni?ki prevoz Crne Gore (ZPCG).
On September 25th, 2023, EUROFIMA disbursed this financing, which will be used to fund public rail transportation throughout Montenegro and enhance to services.
EUROFIMA is proud to have concluded this transaction and to reaffirm its public mission in Montenegro, supporting the local community and regions with better connections, enlarging the mobility on offer with a sustainable and green solution.
Specifically, EUROFIMA will finance 2 modern Electrical 3-cars Multiple Units, based on the CAF Civity platform, which provide a service on the Northwest line that runs from Podgorica to Nikšic. The Civity trains are low floor and designed to provide maximum user comfort, offering the best accessibility conditions for persons with reduced mobility; its sophisticated aerodynamic design, lighter weight and its recyclability, is a display of ZPCG and Eurofima's shared commitment to a better environment.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Kristina Micic, Portfolio Manager & ESG Analyst, kristina.micic@eurofima.org